Admission Tickets

Advance Sale Admission eTickets for April 6, 2025 at the Huntington Hilton in Melville!
One low price covers all listed activities and exhibitors!
We may have activities taking place in the Grand Ballroom parking lot. You will need to enter the hotel and register before enjoying these attractions.
Advance Sale Admission Tickets are only $5.00 ($4.60 plus $0.40 NYS sales tax). Everyone age 2 and up needs to purchase a ticket, including adults.
No charge for age 1 and younger.
Visit tons of local exhibitors. Enjoy all of our activities! Find new ways to enrich your children’s lives.
Enter faster at the All Kids Fair and save $$$! Order tickets here now.
** You will receive an e-receipt that contains your e-tickets. Please print this for admission to the All Kids Fair.
Pay online at any time as nothing is being mailed.