Sell your products. Share information about your services. It’s up to you!
All exhibitors are listed on our website until approximately November and included in our program book if signed up by the time we go to print.
Your booth is half of one draped 6 foot table and a chair. This is intended for one representative.
Location is at the discretion of the All Kids Fair.
Please note: This venue will not have pipe and drape; however, many booth spaces will have a wall at the rear so you can hang a banner with blue painter’s tape. Draped table and chairs will be provided. WiFi is available for purchase
501(c)3 non-profits and cash & carry vendors – please call for special rates.
*Food-Related – If food is sold or sampled, it must be factory sealed and individually packaged unless a Nassau County Board of Health permit is obtained. Please inquire if you have any questions.
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